Sometimes it happens that a person can fall behind on their bills. Whether it is the tough economy, a personal hardship or simply not realizing you owed that money, it may be that you have a debt collector contacting you.
However, even if you have an outstanding debt, as a citizen of California and this country, you have State and Federals laws that are meant to protect you from debt collectors and some common, but illegal practices.
- Did you know that it is illegal for a debt collector to pretend to be someone else?
- Did you know that you are able to request to not be contacted at your place of employment for your outstanding debt?
- Did you know that it is illegal for them to contact you at odd hours of the night?
To truly understand what your rights are, it is important to hire a debt collection attorney in Santa Cruz who is well versed in debt collection law and has experience working with this type of problem.
A good attorney will let you know all your rights and help you protect yourself from any harassing or threatening practices used by debt collection agencies or their agents.
Santa Cruz attorney Balam Letona does a free consultation to learn what your predicament is, let you know if he can assist or not and then help you take the next course of action to stop the harassment. Call the office of attorney Balam Letona at 831-421-0200 to set up your free consultation.
If you are being harassed by debt collectors, you need someone on you side. I am that person, I can stop abusive debt collectors.
I can explain to you what your rights are. Call me, email me. I would love to talk to you and explain to what your rights are. Together we can stop abusive debt collection harassment.