National Consumer Telecom and Utilities Exchange, Inc., a credit reporting agency has been sued in the United States District Court, Northern District of California in San Francisco, CA. National Consumer Telecom and Utilities Exchange, Inc., “NCTUE” is a credit reporting bureau that collects data from utility companies regarding new connect requests, payment history and historical account status.
The lawsuit alleges that NCTUE failed to remove derogatory, false and inaccurate information related to an AT&T account. The suit alleges that the Plaintiff discovered in November 2014 that a delinquent AT&T account appeared on her NCTUE report. She disputed the AT&T account with NCTUE. Plaintiff informed NCTUE that the account was not hers, it was fraudulent and that long-ago AT&T had agreed that the account wasn’t hers and AT&T would close the account and take care of it. The lawsuit alleges that NCTUE never responded to her. In November 2015 and June 2016, Plaintiff again disputed the AT&T account and a Comcast account with NCTUE. The lawsuit alleges that NCTUE failed to respond to those disputes too.
Among other things the lawsuit alleges that NCTUE failed to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, including 15 U.S.C. § 1681i which requires NCTUE to investigate the dispute, contact AT&T and notify Plaintiff of the results of its investigation.
Equifax Information Services LLC., and AT&T Corp., where named as co-defendants in the lawsuit. The lawsuit is titled Todd v. AT&T Corp., et.al., case #16-cv-03357 HSG. The Law Office of Balam O. Letona, Inc., represents the Plaintiff. https://www.letonalaw.com/