Curacao, a retail chain and creditor in California, faces allegations involving identity theft and credit reporting violations. Ms. Ramirez, a California resident, discovered in 2021 that an identity thief had fraudulently opened a credit account in her name with Curacao. Despite her efforts to resolve the issue—including submitting police reports, mortgage documents, and identification—Curacao allegedly continued to furnish false and derogatory information to credit agencies, harming her credit reputation.
The lawsuit claims that Curacao ignored multiple disputes from Ms. Ramirez, failing to remove the fraudulent tradeline and properly investigate her identity theft allegations. Ms. Ramirez filed disputes with Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, providing evidence such as utility bills and ID cards proving she did not reside at the address associated with the fraudulent account. In addition to neglecting her disputes, Curacao continued reporting the fraudulent account as delinquent, damaging Ms. Ramirez’s credit and financial standing.
The case, Ramirez v. ADIR International, LLC dba Curacao, Case No. 23CV003076, was filed in the Superior Court of California, County of Monterey. Ms. Ramirez is represented by the Law Office of Balam O. Letona, Inc. This lawsuit highlights the importance of accurate credit reporting and the responsibilities companies have under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to protect consumers from identity theft and false credit reporting.