When you are dealing with very personal issues like bankruptcy, debt collection and car repossession, it is important that you can trust the attorney you are working with and one of the best ways is to know something about them and why they do what they do.
Balam Letona is one of five children, raised in California by his hardworking Guatemalan immigrant parents.
From them he learned the value of hard work, how to respect his fellow man and how important family is. With that understanding, when you come to his office and become his client, Balam will work hard for you, respect your life and treat you with the caring that he learned from his family.
Balam became an attorney for many reasons, but most of all it’s his love of helping people, hearing their stories and assisting them to a positive end. He will take the time necessary to listen, to understand your situation and to help if he can. Consumer law is his specialty, but click on this link and learn more about Balam Letona and his services.
One of the reasons I became an attorney was to help people. I’ve been very lucky that In my law practice I am able to help people. Help normal people like yourself, like myself.
I will take the time to sit down listen to you, and learn your story. I’ll not only ask you questions about your case, but also about your personal life, because I really want to get to know you.
I found that the best way to represent someone is to know about them, about other aspects of their life that maybe a typical other attorney really won’t care about, but I do. Call my office, I’d more than happy to meet with you to discuss your case and hear about your story.